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How can we Prevent Sudden Hearing Loss Problem?

Depending on the cause of your sudden hearing loss, which can be difficult for practitioners to pinpoint, the effects of the condition may be temporary or permanent. But hearing loss due to exposure to loud noises is completely avoidable. The number one way to prevent sudden hearing loss is to live a healthy lifestyle. Simple Ways to Prevent Hea...

Affordable Hearing Loss Treatments in India

There are various reasons why hearing loss occurs. Some of them are common with ageing (presbycusis) usually beginning around the age of 55 and increasing in the older age group over 65 and above. However there are other reasons for hearing loss such due to noise, ear infections, genetic predisposition, illness etc. Differential Diagnosis of Hea...

Invisible-in-the-canal hearing aids

Invisible-in-the-canal hearing aids (IIC) are the smallest hearing aids available. These custom-made hearing aids fit fully inside your ear canal, making them almost, if not completely, invisible. Tiny cords are attached to the hearing aid so that you can remove them easily. Adapt automatically to the sound environment Have a discreet style Ca...